Kadaknath Chicken Benefits
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Black Meat Chicken | Kadaknath Chicken Benefits | Kadaknath chicken Online
Kadaknath Chicken is
Black Meat Chicken in India
Kadaknath is only Black Meat Chicken (B.M.C.) Breed of to Jhabua district of Madhya Pradesh (MP), India Madhya Pradesh, India. Kadaknath is one of the rarest birds available in the world.
Kadaknath is very popular among the adiwasis mainly due to its adaptability to the local environment, disease resistance, tasty meat quality, texture and flavour.
Both the meat and eggs are rich source of protein (25.47% in flesh) and iron. Rich in amino acids and higher than that of other kinds of bird eggs
Kadaknath is only Black Meat Chicken (B.M.C.) Breed of to Jhabua district of Madhya Pradesh (MP), India Madhya Pradesh, India. Kadaknath is one of the rarest birds available in the world.
Kadaknath is very popular among the adiwasis mainly due to its adaptability to the local environment, disease resistance, tasty meat quality, texture and flavour.
Both the meat and eggs are rich source of protein (25.47% in flesh) and iron. Rich in amino acids and higher than that of other kinds of bird eggs
Kadaknath Chicken - Free range healthy chicken supplier online |
Black Chicken Meat Health Benefits or Kadaknath Chicken Health Benefits
Kadaknath has unique
medicinal value in homeopathy and a particular nervous dysfunction.
The tribal community in MP
uses Kadaknath chicken blood in the treatment of chronic disease.The Kadaknath
breed is hardy and highly resistant for diseases.
Black Meat Chicken Nutritional Value
- This meat helps to increase blood cells and haemoglobin.
- Kadaknath chicken is said to be aids in curing pulmonary problems.
- The Kadaknath birds convert feed quickly into the meat (feed conversion ratio is high).
- The Kadaknath chicken eggs are used to treat headaches, post delivery problems, asthma and nephritis.
- Kadaknath chicken is said to be good for women health as well.
- The tribal community in MP uses Kadaknath chicken blood in the treatment of chronic disease.
- The Kadaknath chicken eggs are also have good nutrition values and good for old people.
- Kadaknath black meat contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E, niacin, protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and nicotinic acid
- The Kadaknath breed is hardy and highly resistant for diseases.
- Unlike broiler chicken, these can survive even on kitchen waste.
- The best advantage is, these birds meat has more protein, less fat, and low cholesterol when compared to similar kind of poultry breeds.
Black Meat Chicken Nutritional Value
- Protein content in kadaknath is higher than 25% of an
ordinary bird it varies between 18-20%.
- Research
has revealed that this species has lower cholesterol(0.73-1.05%) than
white chicken(13-25%)
- High
levels of 18 amino acids out of which 8 are crucial for the human and rich
in the hormone.
- Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E, niacin, protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, nicotinic acids, etc.
For More Detail kadaknath-health-benefits
Kadaknath Chicken Eggs
The eggs are also
nutritive, especially for aged people and high blood pressure victims, since
the cholesterol content is lower, Rich in amino acids and higher than that of
other kinds of bird eggs.
The eggs of kadaknath chickens can also be utilized effectively to treat severe headaches, headaches after giving birth, faintness, asthma and nephritis (chronic or acute inflammation of the kidney).
The eggs of kadaknath chickens can also be utilized effectively to treat severe headaches, headaches after giving birth, faintness, asthma and nephritis (chronic or acute inflammation of the kidney).
Goatchi - Kadaknath Chicken Eggs Benefits |
Kadaknath Chicken Price (Black Meat Chicken Price in India)
Why is kadaknath chicken costlier? A broiler chicken gains 2.5 kg of body weight in 40 -45 days. It almost inflates like a balloon day-by-day. Its gene has been selected so that its only work is to eat and get obese. Even if you don’t kill a broiler chicken at 45 days of age it will die very soon due to obesity (under intensive rearing farm condition.
Kadaknath being a desi bird involves in lot of physical activity and its weight gain is “slow and steady” A kadaknath cock attains body weight of 1.5KGS in 120 -130 days. It takes nearly thrice the time to attain half the body weight of a broiler chicken. If you don’t kill if will live upto the age of 12 years reaching maximum of around 2KGS body weight only. So our cost of production is nearly four times higher than that of a broiler chicken. That’s the reason that many giant breeders did not turn to kadaknath even through it’s so useful to the mankind, all corporate in poultry field are concered about quick profit only.
Now kadaknath chicken online mumbai is available.
Kadaknath Chicken Supplier
in India, Black Meat Chicken Supplier in India
We are the highly reliable
organization which export supreme quality range of Kadaknath Chicken and Eggs.
We provide 100% original Kadaknath Chicken ,Kadaknath Eggs at best price.
We believe the pick of our
farms, the pride of our nation.We work hard each day to ensure the highest
quality of life for our Kadaknath. Our mission is providing the Best service to
the end users
Kadaknath Chicken Benefits
in Hindi
• यह मांस रक्त कोशिकाओं और हीमोग्लोबिन
• कड़कनाथ मुर्गे को फुफ्फुसीय समस्याओं के इलाज में सहायक माना जाता है।
• कड़कनाथ पक्षी फ़ीड को मांस में जल्दी से परिवर्तित करते हैं (फ़ीड रूपांतरण अनुपात अधिक है)।
• कड़कनाथ मुर्गी के अंडे का उपयोग सिरदर्द, प्रसव के बाद की समस्याओं, अस्थमा और नेफ्रैटिस के इलाज के लिए किया जाता है।
• कड़कनाथ मुर्गे को महिलाओं के स्वास्थ्य के लिए भी अच्छा माना जाता है।
• कड़कनाथ मुर्गी के अंडे भी अच्छे पोषण मूल्य और पुराने लोगों के लिए अच्छे होते हैं।
• मप्र में आदिवासी समुदाय पुरानी बीमारी के इलाज में कड़कनाथ मुर्गे के खून का उपयोग करता है।
• कड़कनाथ नस्ल बीमारियों के लिए कठोर और अत्यधिक प्रतिरोधी है।
• कड़कनाथ के काले मांस में विटामिन बी 1, बी 2, बी 6, बी 12, सी और ई, नियासिन, प्रोटीन, वसा, कैल्शियम, फास्फोरस, लोहा और निकोटिनिक एसिड होता है
• ब्रायलर चिकन के विपरीत, ये रसोई के कचरे पर भी जीवित रह सकते हैं।
• सबसे अच्छा लाभ यह है कि, इन पक्षियों के में मुर्गी की नस्लों की तुलना में अधिक प्रोटीन, कम वसा और कम कोलेस्ट्रॉल होता है।
Kadaknath chicken benefits in marathi
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